The obvious answer would probably be, "whoever put this portfolio site together", but that wouldn't tell you much and would probably be a bit too cheeky.
About My Work
I'm a Visual Designer with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in New Media Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology (Go Tigers!). While I specialize in Illustration and UI/UX Design for web and mobile, I also have experience in areas such as 3D, motion and interaction design, and animation.
About Me in General
I'm passionate about design (as one would hope), but also about music and animals. I grew up with very diverse music tastes all around me, so naturally, as an adult, I like everything a little bit of everything. Music also runs in the family. I was in a band during high school as a lead singer for a couple of years. My father has a Classic Rock and Blues band that plays out frequently (when we're not in a global pandemic). My father and I also started a band together with four other gentlemen in the summer of 2021.
I have two cats whom I love dearly. Nad, short for Nandor Avalon Dog the Cat (his name is a fun story, feel free to ask), and Stripes (who isn't actually striped). We've had Nad since 2015 and we got Stripes in 2020. After we got Nad I found out that I'm actually super allergic to cats, but I try my best to deal with it because I love them to pieces (I even started getting allergy shots).

Photo by Solaris Photography Dec 2017
RIT Graduation May 2021
What my Family looks like: @Solaris Photography Dec 2017
What my Family is actually like: @Solaris Photography Dec 2017
Photo taken of some of my bandmates and I during a performance in Jan 2015.
Stripes sitting on one of our couches