Examples of Mobile UI for the Tastie Dust Mobile App. (Left: All Products, Center: Product Description, Right: Shopping Cart).

Examples of Mobile UI for the Tastie Dust Mobile App. (Left: All Products, Center: Product Description, Right: Shopping Cart)

Jan 2021 - May 2021

Topic Research, Design Trend Research, Illustration, 
Animation, UI/UX, Copywriting, Print Design, Prototyping, 
Figma, Adobe Premiere Pro, Photography & Videography
To create a lifestyle brand with functioning mobile and desktop prototypes and a 1-2 minute commercial advertising the product(s).
My Role:
One half of a dynamic duo! We worked interchangeably on the UI & UX of the mobile and desktop prototypes, the design of the product labels, storyboards, and research. For the commercial, I tackled the audio and acting while my partner focused more on the videography, but we did help each other out as needed.
Prototype Videos

Tastie Dust Mobile Prototype Demo - 00:29

Tastie Dust Desktop Prototype Demo - 00:30


Tastie Dust Commercial - 01:19

Early Logotype explorations
Early Logotype explorations
Early Logotype explorations continued
Early Logotype explorations continued
Early Logo explorations
Early Logo explorations
Early Logo explorations continued
Early Logo explorations continued
Logo exploration -  Spice bottle top
Logo exploration - Spice bottle top
More spice bottle tops with different shading styles and shapes
More spice bottle tops with different shading styles and shapes
First storyboard for the commercial. Setting: messy college dorm room.
First storyboard for the commercial. Setting: messy college dorm room.
Grabs trash can.
Grabs trash can.
Top view of user pushing assorted trash into the garbage can.
Top view of user pushing assorted trash into the garbage can.
Trash falls into the can.
Trash falls into the can.
Left: User sees pile of clothes, starts rushing to clean up. Right: Picks up a pile of clothes.
Left: User sees pile of clothes, starts rushing to clean up. Right: Picks up a pile of clothes.
Left: Starting to fold clothes, fabric snapping sound effect. Right: User walks to dresser to put clothes away.
Left: Starting to fold clothes, fabric snapping sound effect. Right: User walks to dresser to put clothes away.
Left: Putting clothes in the drawer and closing it. Right: User rushes towards the other direction.
Left: Putting clothes in the drawer and closing it. Right: User rushes towards the other direction.
Left: User walks into kitchen area. Right: Walks over to the cabinet
Left: User walks into kitchen area. Right: Walks over to the cabinet
Left: Light pops on. Puts food into the microwave. Right: Starts microwave, whirring sound.
Left: Light pops on. Puts food into the microwave. Right: Starts microwave, whirring sound.
Left: Ding! Food is done, door creaks open. Right: User takes food out of the microwave and heads to the table.
Left: Ding! Food is done, door creaks open. Right: User takes food out of the microwave and heads to the table.
Left: Sets the first cup down on the left, moves right. Right: While moving right, user sets the second cup down.
Left: Sets the first cup down on the left, moves right. Right: While moving right, user sets the second cup down.
Left: User looks over their "good work". Right: Knock, knock! Someone is at the door.
Left: User looks over their "good work". Right: Knock, knock! Someone is at the door.
Left: User heads out into the other room. Right: User reaches for the door handle to let their guest in.
Left: User heads out into the other room. Right: User reaches for the door handle to let their guest in.
Left: Users greet each other and head into the other room. Right: Camera follows the duo into the kitchen
Left: Users greet each other and head into the other room. Right: Camera follows the duo into the kitchen
Left: User 2 sits at the table. Right: User 1 brings out the Tastie Dust seasoning bottle.
Left: User 2 sits at the table. Right: User 1 brings out the Tastie Dust seasoning bottle.
Left: Glamour shot of Tastie Dust sprinkling into the food, think sparkling, xylophone sound. Right: User 2 is satisfied with their. Tastie Dust Logo appears on screen.
Left: Glamour shot of Tastie Dust sprinkling into the food, think sparkling, xylophone sound. Right: User 2 is satisfied with their. Tastie Dust Logo appears on screen.
View Process Deck 

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